It was recorded on November 4th 2022 at our gig at Breakout Asendorf (, during our Exodus Release Tour. We are very excited about the recordings the club provided us with and for this reason we decided to share them with you. You can consume the whole thing as a stream on Bandcamp, Spotify and Co. or even as a live video on YouTube. Enjoy the experience, and we'll see you in 2023 with even more songs and gigs.

“Live at Break Out” is out through ARGONAUTA Records today via the label “bandcamp live series” and available at this address:

Also streaming on all digital platforms:

The full performance can be watched now at this address:


1. Is 03:38
2. The Future of Mankind 08:51
3. Forced By 03:27
4. The King Of Monsters 06:43
5. Dr Moth 06:55
6. Elis Speech 05:30
7. Because 07:18
8. Everything That Has Been Given 08:40
9. Will Be Taken Away 04:54
10. Stick To Your Daily Routine 13:25
11. Propagation Of Violence 05:16

Coverart made by Daniel Drewsen (

Recorded at Breakout Asendorf (

Mix and Master by Kuntergrund (


Featured on Morphy


"German band Godzilla in the Kitchen are out with the album "Live at Break Out [Argonauta Live Series Vol. 7]", and progressive rock is the style explored on this production. This live album documents quite nicely what this band sounds like outside of a studio environment, and it is interesting to hear how elegant this threesome comes across on stage. The band fluently and easily switch between moods and modes, alternating between dirty groove-oriented riff driven escapades and delicate, light toned and elegant interludes in a seamless manner, and with more playful jazz-oriented details and segues over to more intricate and floating Crimsonian landscapes and more off kilter and quirky guitar riff dominated sequences executed in a logical and effortless manner. They provide a good balance between the vibrant and energetic and the elegant and atmospheric laden, and while moments of a more profound hard rock and borderline stoner rock identity are present it doesn't take the trio long before they enter a more progressive rock oriented sphere of reference again. A live album to seek out if you enjoy instrumental progressive rock that combine a bit of a hard rock swagger with quirky features, light and elegant interludes and a touch of Frippian style guitar antics."

Olav Martin Bjørnsen